Monday, December 08, 2003

the subway. the boys.

the glorius glorius subway. everyday there is at least one man of my dreams that enters my life for two, maybe three stops before he exits and i'm left alone again. he'll breeze in right through those sliding doors. "doors opening. grand is next." or maybe we'll even be at the same station and we get on the same car. of course he's following me. he loves me. clearly. there's eye contact. there's electricity. we both know we were meant for each other. this train story will be great to tell our kids about at the dinner table one day.

but then one of us gets off the train.'s usually me. i'm always ruining things.

ok, well, this is almost true. most likely, the train station smells like urine. i can't even see the people who are also waiting for the train because the wind has my hair all over my face and my gloves are too big for me to effectively push my hair out of my eyes. the same car thing is sheer accident. if i'm lucky, i'll glimpse at him and embarass the both of us to see that he was glimpsing the same way. there is no more eye contact the rest of the ride. the only electricity is the sparks flying off the rails. i get off the train and go to work where another boy will make my life miserable. but he'll get off the train where his girlfriend is probably waiting for him. or his kids. or his mom. (i have this thing for 15 year old boys.)

it's not so bad though. if i'm getting off at chicago, it means i'll be home soon. and my roommates (if i'm really lucky, they'll both be there) will say hi to me and be happy to see me and mean it. they'll ask me how my day was and be concerned if it was bad. if i'm blue, they'll make me feel better. if they're blue, i'm extra glad to be home so that i can start to make them feel better. then we'll run errands together or sit in each other's room talking about their boyfriends. or the hot guys they saw on the train today. (i don't care who you are, relationship or no, you always see someone hot on the train and the same scenario i just played out for you goes through your head.)

bottom line, it's always nice to have a fantasy. i will never ever talk to or become involved with someone i meet on the train. it's just a little game that's fun to play in your head. because what if they actually came over and talked to you? or if you both ended up going the same place? one time that actually did happen to me. he came into work a few minutes after i'd gotten there and i recognized him from the train that morning. he had a weird name that started with M. ...and i don't think i've seen him again... but it was awesome, and it's the closest i've gotten to my fantasy coming true.

but... eh. they normally always have headphones on anyway.

love, kate


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