Wednesday, December 17, 2003

it's almost thursday.

thank you superMike. my baby is all better and virus free. did you guys know there are virus-type things called 'trojan horses'? man, if something is going to knock your computer on its ass, it's a trojan horse. thinking about it makes me scared to sleep with the lights off.

i'm still very unsettled with the idea of using this blog/journal/online peek into the life of me. i'd much rather just write in my real journal, the one that will be around forever and when i'm 45 and read it, i can say, "holy crap." i fully intend on deleting this entire blog one day. just entirely. one day i'll realize i haven't updated it in months and no one reads it anymore and i'll probably have forgotten about it until someone says, "yeah, that blog...?" then it's *clickclak*. deleted. until then, i'm trying to be kate about writing in a blog and do my whole "this is now" type justification, and it works for the most part. it just bugs me sometimes that i've fallen into the online trap and that i won't put anything really worth reading in here. but i like doing writing to you guys. it's hard to explain.

so i try to just write little thoughts that i have in my head that i know i'll never actually write down in my journal, even though i like to think i will. and also a big part of me (and any other blogger out there) likes to write stuff for people to see. this is as close to being published as most of us will ever get. it's also the vouyerist in us all- reading about other people. writing in a blog is also the closest to being a peeping tom as most of us will ever get. we all love knowing what someone else is doing and thinking. it's why we all perk up when someone from work got fired or your aunt got hepatitis. only i know that you know what i'm doing whereas peeping toms are hidden. and perverts. anyway, i want people to be interested in what i'm doing and what i have to say. knowing people read this blog is like giving yourself the satisfaction of being interesting. does that make sense? basically, we want people to know what we're doing, and what we think about it. because, sometimes, in real life, people don't want to listen.

it's sad, really.

love (me), kate


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