Wednesday, August 18, 2004

no work and all play makes for a kinda bored kate.

well, i've started working at bennigan's and i like it. it's fast-paced and pretty fun so far. so far meaning up until today and up until today i've work a total of maybe 6 hours. for training, i would be there only for the height of the lunch rush before i got sent home. not for any reason other than it costs a lot to train someone because they are basically eating money and slowing things down. sorta. so for my first three days i worked an average of 2 hours per shift. i finished training, technically, 2 days early, and was told to just wait until the next schedule came out before i start working the floor by myself.

that was friday. i just called and found out my next night i work is saturday, which should rock. and by rock i mean some fat bank. so i've basically had another week off. and which also means i'm pretty broke, and it's starting to freak me out.

i'm leaving enough in my bank to pay rent for next month, and until then and for some time afterwards, i'm gonna be in the hole pretty deeply. and that's only if i make the money they tell me i'll make at benningan's. if i don't make money, then i'll be broke for much longer. much... much much longer.


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