Sunday, March 21, 2004

it's... a little strange.

i think being an undergrad was a waste. i spent 4 years in school, am in debt for thousands of dollars, and only now do i know what i truly want. all of those history and english classes were taken for granted, and now i wonder about the teapot dome scandal and how to class together thoughts into a constructive form to write something worth reading. i learned about life in college. i learned, from moving away and going to school at southern, how to live. how to make friends and not be a hermit attaching herself to anyone and making their opinions her own. i made friends that i still have and also live with. had it not been for going away to school, i wouldn't be here. i'd be at home, i'd be unhappy, and i'd have no friends.

so now i wonder how anyone goes away to undergrad and comes out with a job and a future. how can you be so sure about yourself that you know that this is who you are and what you are going to do? because i had no idea. i'm still not completely sure. it's so hard for me to think of being someone with a steady job and an income that (hopefully) won't leave me living from paycheck to paycheck. i guess being an undergrad wasn't a waste in the sense that it helped my social and living skills, but it was a waste in terms of me having a career.

the phrase, "you've got to grow up sometime" takes on a whole new meaning when it's actually you that has to do the growing up.



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