Tuesday, February 10, 2004

remember when i said i loved this?

i'm sick of my job. i'm sick of the same people who come in everyday and order the same things. just the sight of these people makes me hate them. one woman comes in every day ordering a grande decaf coffee with steamed soy milk. another guy comes in ordering a large coffee with 2 shots of decaf espresso and a large cup of ice. another lady always orders a doppio espresso with a pump of chocolate and a large cup of ice. grande skim latte with sugar free vanilla extra vanilla. doppio espresso and 5 pumps of raspberry over ice. grande coffee of the day. talle latte not so hot. tall cappucino and a croissant. grande cappucino, dry. tall skim cafe aulait. one lady orders a gigante iced mocha, 4 extra shots of espresso and a large cup of ice. that's a $6.31 drink. are you fucking kidding me? these people come in everyday. sometimes twice a day. one girl comes in for breakfast then comes in for lunch. i hate her out of style hair and clothing and makeup and i hate that she doesn't realize that's she's eating food that's incredibly unhealthy when you eat it twice a day everyday. i hate the sight of these people. i hate knowing that they're ordering the same thing and i have to make it. i hate that we're busy on tuesdays because of the stupid art institute being free. i hate that part of the reason i'm so cranky is because i have to wake up at 4 to go to a job i hate and walk in the cold. i hate the art kids that come in and sometimes they acknowledge you and sometimes they don't. i'm sick of the cold air that blows in and the bread samples and the "do you guys have soy milk?" i'm sick of that damn hat i have to wear. mostly i'm sick of what these people must think of me, because i know to them i'm just some kid who makes coffee and it's me who serves them and that's it. and i hate when they take an interest in me and ask where i go to school and i have to tell them that i've already graduated.

i'm so fucking happy that i'm qualified for so many other things than to wait on jerks all day.



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