it's time.
i was thinking of starting a whole new blog. i decided against it because of the confusion it may cause. i thought of deleting my current blog and starting anew, but i wasn't ready for that yet. so here i am, new and hopefully improved. i picked this templete because i thought it looked like a very old school type journal, one that a captain of a pirate ship might keep. well, if the captain was paid hourly and/or worked at the, the template may change, the subject matter may be more directed towards my workings at the gap, which may or may not betray my confidentiality agreement that i signed, or i might be lazy and keep writing the same old stuff. i.e. tucker pissing me off, stuff that me and kris do, whether or not to stay in chicago, whatever.
anyway, i hope you keep reading.
your captain
Of course we'll keep reading..if not purely for the voyeuristic appeal of blog reading.
You'll survive. Gapo isn't so bad, and the holidays at least make it fun and busy. You're gone before you know it and back again. PLUS you get a super discount.
At any rate, apply to grad school. You can still stay if they say "apply again later". I miss chicago, and want to come back. You're blog is a small glimpse into the life I had. (gorgeous friends, laughter, and a bit too much to do)
am I gorgeous?
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