Monday, December 27, 2004

i'm out.

today ended up being my last day at the gap. i'm available to work tomorrow, but they didn't schedule me. i don't think the managers there like me very much. i seem to always make things harder. i think that's just the way the managers are, though, they make every request or question seem like a waste of time. well, it's really just three of the six managers. for example, today i returned this coat i bought online. i didn't use my discount or anything, i just wanted the coat. so i go to return it and the head of store (jerko numero uno, believe me) and he told me that all employee purchases have to be kept track of. basically, even if you order something online and you don't use a discount or anything, you have to make the purchase online through the store. so, i felt like a problem causer and i hadn't even started my shift yet. plus, that keeping track of anything employees buy is creepy. let me live my life, gap!

so, i'm out. i'm done. i really hope this will be my last day working a crappy retail job ever. i didn't say goodbye to anyone, i told one person today was my last day. it was one of the nicer managers, but she seemed to not even care that much. the jerkface manager was a jerk to me until this evening when i got someone to apply for a gapcard, then he was really nice to me. jerk.

it was a shallow place to work. look at me, i work at the gap. make sure you meet your gapcard/bra fitting/sales goals. give everyone your name. congratulations to so and so for getting 4 gap cards yesterday!

congratulations to kate for never shopping at the gap again.


At 8:54 AM, Blogger The Pedgehog said...

Hi...I came across your blog randomly so I feel creepy, but I just wanted to tell you that I used to work at Wal-Mart so I can relate to crappy soul-less retail work. Congrats for quitting and I hope you're out for good. Cheers.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger WDL said...

I TOLD YOU SO. They are all evil bitches, and think they are so uterly important for being a manager at the Gap. I sweat to G-d, it made me laugh. On my last day (Got promoted at the other job)I said today is my last day.
Bitch Manager says "but your scheduled tonight". I said I know, but I'm done...right now. I asked if she could mail me my last check. She said that "leaving like this is going to look bad". I turned back around and said "Do you REALLY think I'll list this on my resume?"

Then I walked out of the front doors of the Michigan Avenue Gap...and felt like the beginning of Mary Tyler Moore when she throws her hat in the air.



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