do any of you remember when i posted about all of
my favorite bands breaking up (april 20, 23, 2004)? well, check
this out.
icing on the cake, people. icing on the cake.
feng shui. correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe it's pronounced "fung shway." i worked at a natural wonders one year during the holiday season and i would try and sell all that crap. but you know something? i don't think it's so much crap as it is just sorta time consuming and psychological. for example, cleaning off your desk is supposed to help you feel energized and relaxed. or calm. or something. and it's true! whenever my desk is clear, my life is clear. it also says that you shouldn't have your computer in your room. maybe my life would be easier if i moved my computer to the living room. who knows. the point is, if i had someone to come in and feng shui up my house, i'd totally do it.
i hate sundays. i absolutely hate them. and i hate monday mornings. they put me in the worst mood i'll be in all week regardless of what happens. was this how i felt when i was in school? i don't remember hating the week like this.
million dollar katie
i just saw "million dollar baby" with kris. it was really good. it felt different. it also made me so sad at times that my entire body ached. i like it when i cry at movies. i used to be very proud of myself for never letting myself cry, but now i just go with it. it's a fact: i'm turning into my mother. she cries at marching bands, i cry at sappy commercials, and vice versa. oh, and sports highlights segments, where it's just sweeping music and slow motion footage of teams winning. that shit gets me every time.