god, a run, and the oscars.
kris and i went to church today. there was a new priest and he was really nice. it was his first time preaching at that church and he apologized for his broken english. he was so cute. afterwards, the man handing out the missellat said "have a good day, girls" and then when i shook father's hand i said that his sermon was really wonderful and he got all bashful.
then i went running. the first run of the season. i'm keeping a log and i hope to run the marathon still, but i'm really scared to. i'm afraid i won't be ready in time.
tonight we're having an oscar party. i've never really been to one before let alone throw one. it should be good times.
joe, and my roomies will all be there. shannon even made ballots!
love, kate
ps- pentium hasn't been eating and it's making me really nervous. maybe he needs different food?
chicago smells like chocolate.
kris and i went out today and walked around armitage and north ave. it was so pretty out today and it was so great to be outside and have the sun shining and not be freezing. the weather has definitely improved my mood. i smile and have fun with my customers again. being outside isn't sheer misery anymore. we took the grand train to clark and lake and it reminded me of when i first came to chicago. and as kris and i were waiting, the station kept filling up with the chocolate smell that is always around in the summertime. later we took the halsted bus to grand and walked the old way home.
you know how in the spring or fall when you spend all day walking around and all the fresh air makes you so tired by the end of the day? and then sometimes you even get sunburned on your cheeks a little, even though it's still kind of cold out? that's what today feels like. it's nice to know summer will be here and this time we'll know the city and know things to do and places to go.
i'm in love with chicago again. and we just live here.
love, kate
we were good in the beginning.
my brother is here. he brought me something. something awesome. something red.
he brought me pentium.
pentium is my new beta fish. my brother had gotten me a new fish for christmas and named him mainframe. well, as he was getting ready to come up to chicago this weekend, he went over to dad's only to find poor little mainframe dead at the bottom of the tank. enter pentium.
pentium is a badass. he's red, and whenever i type he goes crazy. maybe it's the sound or the vibrations, i'm not sure, but he goes nuts. he seems so angry and hardcore, i love it. computer was like this too when i first got him. i used to have dreams about how mean computer was.
i feel good about pentium. it feels surprisingly very very comforting to have him sitting on my desk. he's someone to talk to when i'm home alone or just alone in my room. poor guy, i've called him computer a couple times already, but that's just for obvious reasons. no way is pentium a replacement, it's a whole new relationship. man, i already love this fish.
dear computer, i still really miss you buddy. i miss you a lot.
love, kate
who does your hair?
today after work i went up to nordstroms. it was busy at work and my feet hurt and i was really tired (when i got home i slept for 3 hours), but i just needed to be downtown and around all these people. yesterday i walked all the way up to the grand bus because i couldn't stand the thought of walking home from the same stop down ogden. because walking around all these people and busy places makes the walk all the way up michigan seem like no big deal.
but anyway, nordstroms. i wanted potbelly's but i wanted to eat it in a not potbelly's restaurant. i was in a weird mood today. work was busy and hectic so i needed something specific in my life around 2 o'clock this afternoon.
anyway. this guy stopped me on the way to nordstroms asking, "who does your hair?" my first thought, haha. i get it i just got off work and i look like shit. haha. yeah go brush your teeth gritty mcgrossteeth. and i kinda kept walking because i thought he was one of those survey guys. but he's like, "nono you look fine. you look fine." then he proceeded to tell me about this salon that is doing some promotional thing where you get $350 in services for only $60. and it was apparently some way uppity salon too. the stuff they did weas like give you champagne and scalp massages and hair cuts and highlights and deals for your friends. shit like that. and he kept talking. and kept promoting. and i was tired. i wanted potbelly's.
it sounded cool. i mean, yeah, that all that attention would be fun. but then it was like, i don't want all this high maintenance shit done to my hair. i always get curious, i guess, of the women who come into cosi and are all fancy and i know they're rich. i get that way even about the rich girls at the art institute. i'm just so curious to see what it's like to live a life where i can ask my parents for any amount of money. this girl came in today, she was really pretty and had these purple highlights in her hair, which was jet black. darcel asked her where she got her hair done to which the girl replied, "marc jacobs." which equals like... a really expensive haircut.
so then i get this opportunity to satisfy my curiosity and i totally didn't want it. it's not me. it'd be fun to do, but then i'd feel too high maintenance. of my roommates, i'd say i take more time to get ready than they do, but even then it's not like it takes me four hours. i can be ready (i'm talking shower and everything) in less than 45 minutes. i like having sloppy hair and split ends. and i don't want my eyebrows waxed just because i'm getting such a deal on it. if i'm gonna do all that, it's gonna be for some important event. like, my wedding or someshit.
love, kate
now try...
i've made a decision about my job. i'm not going to tell you what it is. i mean, some of you already know, but some people don't (namely, my brothers and my dad) and i haven't told them yet because i'm afraid they'll be upset with me. not upset like mad, but disappointed. but anyway, that's still to come. the main thing i wanted to say was i'm okay about my job now. it sucks, yes, but the customers don't know that i'm not patient. it's not their fault at all, it's just me. i hate customers. i really do. but i have to keep myself in check because they don't know that i've been asked that same question 5 times a day for the past 5 months. and when i go into a restaurant, i ask questions i know the employees have been asked a lot too. but how do i know? i have to ask, and my customers have to ask me if they don't know, too. so, i'm trying. get off my back.
love, kate
remember when i said i loved this?
i'm sick of my job. i'm sick of the same people who come in everyday and order the same things. just the sight of these people makes me hate them. one woman comes in every day ordering a grande decaf coffee with steamed soy milk. another guy comes in ordering a large coffee with 2 shots of decaf espresso and a large cup of ice. another lady always orders a doppio espresso with a pump of chocolate and a large cup of ice. grande skim latte with sugar free vanilla extra vanilla. doppio espresso and 5 pumps of raspberry over ice. grande coffee of the day. talle latte not so hot. tall cappucino and a croissant. grande cappucino, dry. tall skim cafe aulait. one lady orders a gigante iced mocha, 4 extra shots of espresso and a large cup of ice. that's a $6.31 drink. are you fucking kidding me? these people come in
everyday. sometimes twice a day. one girl comes in for breakfast then comes in for lunch. i hate her out of style hair and clothing and makeup and i hate that she doesn't realize that's she's eating food that's incredibly unhealthy when you eat it twice a day everyday. i hate the sight of these people. i hate knowing that they're ordering the same thing and i have to make it. i hate that we're busy on tuesdays because of the stupid art institute being free. i hate that part of the reason i'm so cranky is because i have to wake up at 4 to go to a job i hate and walk in the cold. i hate the art kids that come in and sometimes they acknowledge you and sometimes they don't. i'm sick of the cold air that blows in and the bread samples and the "do you guys have soy milk?" i'm sick of that damn hat i have to wear. mostly i'm sick of what these people must think of me, because i know to them i'm just some kid who makes coffee and it's
me who serves
them and that's it. and i hate when they take an interest in me and ask where i go to school and i have to tell them that i've already graduated.
i'm so fucking happy that i'm qualified for so many other things than to wait on jerks all day.
but... but i love rock shows. ...right?
so, this is the deal. it's 7:45 on sunday night. there is a rock show playing tonight at 9:30 that, two weeks ago, i was stoked as hell to go see. two of my really good friends were going to come up and see it with me, but things weren't really working out, so we all decided that they just wouldn't come up to chicago to see the show. i, on the other hand, can go. and should go. my problem now? i don't want to. it's been so long (since october) since i've been to a show and i should be dying to go. aching, even. this show will rock.
houston is playing as is
riddle of steel, my boys from st louis. (they actually are not my boys. i think one of them hit on me at the
rocket bar one night and told me i should go see him play with year of the rabbit, but i didn't. his hair was long and really curly. gross.) also, my friend's band is playing too. but here i am, totally broke and wanting to only kinda see a show. knowing that it will be a good time and a good show if i go, but i'm back to my old ways of just not wanting to go. and i wonder why people tell me i never want to have any fun. i do, but i'm scared to.
then there's the deal with not having a ride. guys, my hours got docked at work, we can't have tip cups anymore, and health insurance is being taken out of my check. i'm broke. i can't afford a cab, and i went there once with my roommate and we walked a long way from the train, but it wasn't a great neighborhood and i said i'd never walk back there. plus i have to be up at 4:30 tomorrow morning.
i don't know what to do. shit.
love, kate